Account Groups

This is another simple yet very useful feature for those of you who frequently run stores that require accounts.

On the left-hand side of the Account Group screen, you will see a grouped list of all store types that support accounts. Each type is followed by a list of stores for which you have account groups. To add a new group, simply click on either the "New Group" button or directly on the store type for which you are adding a group.

(Note: Individual accounts from before the update have automatically been merged into their respective groups.)



And how do we apply these accounts to our tasks, you might ask.

Alongside the expected Account Group selector, you can now also find a new "Selection Mode" option in the advanced section of the Task Creator. This gives you two options:

Random: Upon task start, a random account from the selected account group will be assigned to your task. A smart system, similar to our proxy distribution system, is implemented here. It ensures that your accounts are distributed as equally as possible across your tasks. For example, starting 10 tasks with an account group of 10 accounts will result in each account being used only once.

Match Profile: Upon task start, the bot will automatically search for an account where the email matches the email of the task's profile. (Task execution will not proceed if no matching account is found.)

(Note: Task creation with account groups will also be made available in the next App/Dashboard update.)



The account selection mode is also fully integrated into your beloved Smart Actions. For this, four configurations are possible:

Account Selection Mode: Random + No Account Groups Selected: Upon task creation, a random account group from the triggering store will be applied to your task.

Account Selection Mode: Match Profile + No Account Groups Selected: Upon task creation, the bot will automatically find the group containing the account that matches your profile's email and assign this group to your task.

Account Selection Mode: Random + Account Groups selected: Similar to option 1, but here it will only select from the selected groups, and not from all of your account groups.

Account Selection Mode: Match Profile + Account Groups selected: Similar to option 2, but here it will only select from the selected groups, and not from all of your account groups.


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