

You can download Cybersole by clicking the Download button on the bottom left corner of the User Dashboard. Once done simply double click the installer and follow the simply steps to install the Cybersole software and all required prerequisites.

You’ll then be prompted with a pop-up to log into your account, simply input your email address and password to sign in and then select the license key you wish to activate.

cyberaio-sign-in.png cyberaio-license-selection.png

You can add more licenses (or instances) to your account at any time via the User Dashboard, for more details regarding this please view the User Dashboard section of the documentation.

We strongly suggest a fresh reboot of your computer/server once installed as a general guideline.

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  • can you send a link ?


  • hi i need install my bot in other coputer w do you i need for desconect in my other computer

  • Hello Im having issue installing cyber 5.0, the .NET Framework is install for desktop application 6.0 but still same result! not reconizing the .net or something, please help me 

    twitter: benjistackk

    IG: Benjistackk


  • I continue to get a 'Waiting for .NET 7 Installation message. I've manually installed NET 7, rebooted, then tried the installer. Still having issues. I can be contacted via email: I also have TeamViewer ready to go for live troubleshooting. Thanks!

  • Hello, I continue to get a 'Waiting for .NET 8 Installation message. My computer already installed the .NET 8. Can you help me to fix this? I have tried to reboot my windows but still having this issue.

  • dashboard wont open

  • 您好,我繼續收到「正在等待 .NET 8 安裝」訊息。我的電腦已經安裝了 .NET 8。我已嘗試重新啟動 Windows,但仍然遇到此問題。



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