To get started we suggest you create a new group via the “New Group” button on the left-hand side. Clicking this will launch a pop-up asking you to input a name for your group in order to keep things organized. After that, click create.
If you select the settings icon beside your group name you’ll launch the Group Setting pop-up. Here you can rename your group as well as set usage limits along with behavior adjustments once the limit is reached and finally a limit reset.
The “Max Usage” option is very useful for those using residential data plans as it helps the user to keep on top of their usage as well as being able to divide up their data between numerous groups if need be.
The behavior option allows you to decide what happens when your usage limit is reached, these options are explained in-bot.
Finally the limit reset option allows you to decide how long Cybersole waits until it resets your usage limits.