Actions are a collection of things to execute in sequential order when a Smart Action is triggered and all filters match the passed data. You can add and configure as many actions as you want but a Smart Action must have at least 1 action.


Actions run in the order that they are added (from top to bottom). This is important as some actions need to run before the other (for example you want to create tasks before starting them!)


There are a number off different Actions that you can select within the Smart Actions menu. To view and search all available actions, simply click on "New Action".


The action selector modal displays all the currently available actions along with a brief description and the input/output of each. The input is a list of all the data you may configure an action with (such as store and sizes for Create Tasks) and output are the variables that the action will return and can be used to configure subsequent actions.


For example the Create Tasks action takes all task configuration data as input (store, sizes, profiles etc) and outputs a "Tasks" variable (a list of the created tasks) which can be used as input data for further actions (such as Start Tasks).


Following on the previous example, let's say you want to create and start tasks when a "Jordan 1 Retro" restocks on Kith. We've already configured our trigger and filters in the previous articles. So now we just need to add the Create Tasks and Start Tasks actions:


Upon first adding the actions, only the required inputs will be visible (task group, store and input for Create Tasks and Tasks for Start Tasks). These MUST be filled in else the Smart Action will fail.

You can configure optional action inputs by clicking on the "More" dropdown:


Each action input can be configured with 1 of 3 different values:

- A variable from the selected trigger or from a previous action output

- A value from the input dropdown

- A custom text value for text inputs (such as color)

Click the dropdown arrow to open the dropdown, at the top of the dropdown you will see the available variables grouped by their source (trigger or the action name):


Here the "Store" variable is from the "Product Monitor Trigger" and its value will be the store that a restock or drop was detected on. We recommend using variables as much as possible as this allows to configure Smart Actions that can run for multiple cases without having to configure additional ones (for example using the "Store" variable allows you to create a single Smart Action that will create tasks for any store, or stores that matched the filters, that restocks the desired product instead of creating one Smart Action per store).

Your create tasks action might look something like this:


If you'd like to create multiple sets of tasks (in different task groups for example) you can simply add another Create Tasks action. Furthermore, if you'd like to start both these set of tasks, you will need to add 2 Start Tasks actions. When opening the Start Tasks input dropdown, you will notice that there are 2 "Tasks" variables:


This is because both Create Tasks actions are outputting their own "Tasks" variable. When adding multiple of the same actions, the output variables will be numbered in order that the actions are added in the list ("Tasks" is the output of the first Create Tasks action and "Tasks (1)" is the output of the second Create Tasks action).

To start both set of tasks created, your Smart Action will look something like this:mceclip6.png


And here's the final Smart Action configuration:



You've now successfully configured a Smart Action to create and start 2 sets of tasks when the in-bot monitor detects a restock or drop on Kith for a product matching the "jordan, 1, retro, -gs, -kid" keywords!


To view more common Smart Action examples, click here.

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