Mattel Creations

Mattel Creations is a Shopify store that specializes in niche collectibles that resell for a premium. Hot Wheels releases require an RLC Membership to be on the account you are purchasing with. We recommend to prep tasks with the following URL and select a a different account on each task.

Once prepped, start your tasks, and after you've successfully checked out, you will now have an RLC Membership on each of your accounts. From then on, you'll be good for a year to run the Hot Wheels releases. You will only need to do this once a year.

For releases, they have the product page loaded beforehand. All you need to do is copy the product URL, and paste it onto your task. Here is an example of what your task should look like for the "RLC Exclusive Pink Editions Nissan Skyline GT-R" release:

You will always be running "Safe Preload" on Mattel Creations.  Make sure that you have your account selected in the "Advanced" tab since this will allow you to purchase the Hot Wheels products due to the membership purchased on the account. You can also not run accounts, but use the email that is on your account in the profile information. This is the same as running accounts.

If running multiple profiles/accounts, you will need to run proxies. Mattel Creations throttles ISP proxies, so residential proxies will be your best option. Simply select your residential proxy list from the "Proxies" dropdown in the "Setup" tab.

Once you are done selecting the options, click "Create Task", and you are good to go.

Keep in mind that hCaptcha has changed quite a bit and is stricter. We recommend running a few local tasks and solve the captchas on the dashboard (same network). You must be on Chrome version 131 for it to work properly. Set the Captcha Settings in Group settings to “Mobile / API only”, that way your captchas will not appear in bot, or be sent to third party.

We recommend running a second task group with residential proxies, and your Captcha Settings in Group settings to “In bot only” that way you can attempt to solve some there.

So, you will have 2 different groups. One group with local tasks solving via the dashboard and one group with residential proxy tasks solving in bot.

When timing your Shopify tasks around the queue, it’s a good idea to start some tasks even before the queue forms. For most tasks, though, aim to start them strategically so that you’re getting out of the queue just before the drop time. To check the current queue time, you can start a few tasks and see the estimated time presented, then use this to gauge when to begin most of your tasks. For example, if the queue time is around 3 minutes, but the release is 7 minutes away, hold off until the queue is closer to 5-6 minutes to start most tasks. This way, you’ll exit the queue 1-2 minutes before the drop, right when the product is about to release. Remember, requeueing is still a possibility at drop time, especially if they reset the queue, which is out of your control.

Verify your profile phone numbers to ensure they are valid here. Shopify requires valid phone numbers. Do not include your country code on profiles. Our best recommendation is to use your real phone number, but with the last 4 numbers, replace with an expression such as {num:4}.

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