Shopify - SKU + Size

Enhanced SKU + Size Filtering for Smart Actions

Based on user feedback, smart actions now support filtering by SKU + Size, offering greater precision when targeting specific SKU and size ranges (e.g., DH9765-600:5-7). Additionally, we've introduced a new variable called "Matched Sizes", which corresponds to the sizes that your SKU + Size filter(s) successfully match during restocks.


  • Filter 1: SKU1:8-10
  • Filter 2: SKU2:10-13

If SKU1 restocks sizes 8, 9, and 11, the Matched Sizes variable will equal sizes 8 and 9. This feature allows you to use the Matched Sizes variable in the Create Tasks action to generate tasks exclusively for restocked sizes of interest, unlike the Available Sizes variable, which would include all restocked sizes.

Key Notes:

  • Filters must adhere to one of the formats below; entering a SKU by itself is not supported.
  • For “random” sizes, you can include the full size range (e.g., SKU:4-17).
  • You can combine both EU and US sizing into one SKU (e.g., SKU:4-17,36-51.5).

Valid Filter Formats:

  • Single size: SKU:5
  • Size range: SKU:5-10
  • Multiple sizes: SKU:5,10,11
  • Combination: SKU:5-12,13,14

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