Billing Overview

To reach the billing page you will need to select the “Billing” tab from the navigation bar at the top of the interface, once done you will see the following page:


Once again, everything is self-explanatory – On the top left you have your profile groups along with the option to create a new group. In the center you have a list of your selected groups profiles along with some at-a-glance details of each of them. Finally, to the right you have your “Add Profiles” and “Clear Profiles” buttons along with a search bar.

You can also right click anywhere on this page to bring up additional options such as creating a “Test” profile – This is useful if you wish to just test Cybersole on a range of stores or if you wish to see how a profile should look. On the right click menu you’ll also find an option to “Clone Profiles”, “Move Profiles” or “Delete Profiles”.



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