Welcome to the Cybersole 5.0 User Dashboard. Here you will be able to create and control tasks remotely, view your analytics, manage your licenses and subscriptions, check changelogs and even keep on top of upcoming releases via the calendar.


First and foremost, we recommend you visit your "Account" page by clicking your username on the bottom left of the webpage and then proceed to configure 2-Factor Authentication for security reasons.  On the account page you will also find numerous other useful options, here you can change your password, update your phone number/payment details, view/edit your API keys and manage your license key(s). More guidance on API keys and License management can be found further along in this documentation.




The home page of the User Dashboard is your central hub consisting of changelogs, daily analytics and release guidance.



The task page allows you to view and search your tasks (per license) as well as issue commands to your bot remotely and even create full tasks the same way you would via the bot itself on your computer or server. Please note in order to utilize this page you will need to ensure you have your Cybersole license key activated with Cybersole open on your computer or server.



On the analytics tab you can filter your success via the tabs on the far right ranging between daily and annual checkouts. You can also view a range of statistics ranging from how much money you have spent to your success ratio and even your favorite stores and products ranked by checkouts.



The checkouts page displays your checkout logs in batches of 50, you can increase your results by simply scrolling down and clicking load more, you can also filter by store or product via the search box. On this page you will also find an "Export" button beside the currency dropdown which allows you export all checkouts via a date range or currently displayed results.




The final page on the User Dashboard is the release calendar, here you can view all upcoming releases on a weekly basis as well as view details on the release such as tips, site lists, keywords and more.




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