Once you have created your Cybersole account and have linked a license key you can opt to join the private Discord server in order to chat to fellow users, receive notifications on announcements and updates as well as receive assistance if needed. 

To join the server simply navigate to the User Dashboard linked here and click the button on the side navigation. This will then redirect to a Discord authorisation page, one you click confirm the page will then redirect back to the User Dashboard and you will find yourself inside the Discord server.

Please ensure you are under the Discord server capacity limit otherwise you will not be able to join.

To unlink your Discord account simply head to the settings page on the User Dashboard linked here and click "Unlink Discord" below your name to be removed from the server.

Please note, only full license keys can obtain access to the Discord server - Promotional keys such as rentals, dailies, weeklies and monthlies are not provided with access to the server but can however access release guides and changelogs via the User Dashboard.

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